Sunday, November 9, 2008

Modernizing Agriculture - Oratorical Piece

Modernizing Agriculture and Fishery through Quality Statistics

Have you ever dreamed of creating a masterpiece? You don’t think you have the talent? Well, you may not have Handel’s musical genius or Michaelangelo’s painting brushes, BUT you can create a masterpiece with your chosen subject.

The requisites maybe to land into a first-rate subject for your creation is to be newsy on the roundabouts and to be determined to finish the craft. One good focus is our country.

Our nation today needs a feasible rehabilitation in most aspects. It needs the practical face-lift in-order to come out to be a well-restored nation. A nation which could be seen as a showground of progress and modernization that will pose immense contributions in the global arena.

Philippines the so-called “Pearl of the Orient Seas” is an archipelago that most of its inhabitants rely much on fishery and agriculture being an agricultural land. About 19 percent of the total land area of the Philippines is arable, or suitable for cultivation.

The location of the Philippines just north of the equator gives the republic a moderate tropical climate suited for the cultivation of export crops.

Coconuts are one of the most important cash crops, and the Philippines is one of the world’s leading exporters of coconut products, including coconut oil and copra. Other forestry industries remain viable because their products are based on more easily renewable sources.

Agriculture has long formed the backbone of the economy.

Fishing on the other hand, is an important industry in the Philippines. The average annual fish catch exceeds 2 million metric tons. Shrimp and prawn exports to Japan are a significant source of foreign exchange.

Does anyone here care for an upgrade? modernization? of these two sectors? I don’t think nobody will deny the fact that transformation could be a golden key for the golden gates of the global arcade.

We should opt for the modernization of these economic segments. These could be our vehicles to progress which is our undying dream to become a masterpiece.

Agriculture surpassed last year’s performance as it grew by 5.06% in 2004, crops sub sector generated a 4.89% output increase this year, poultry raisers had an output expansion of 4.23%, farm gate prices of agricultural commodities increased by 12.71%, fishery has a gross value of production amounted to 139.1 billion. These are statistics, my friends. They sound too numerical but they played a lot of value.

Statistics is an imperative tool in experiment design and decision making. Though it appears to be merely numerical data but such is a valuable device to implement changes.

How, then, do agri- scientists uncover declines in production? On price depreciation? Impressive percent gains? Well, what do you think? Correct! They used percentage statistics to provide production estimates.

This is a valuable scale to fabricate strategies to come out with a remarkably detailed findings for an opt for a larger production.

Quality statistics attributes eminence. Improvements in production and prices rely much on the upshot of statistics. Increments and decrements can be determined through statistical information.

How important quality statistics in the modernization of agriculture and fishery sectors? Gross earnings and marked improvements in prices in both which statistics have shown will ascertain volume of production.

Figures will define the need of a notable increase in gross receipts through acquisition of modern cogs and theories. Figures picked up bright colors to enhance illustration.

Roundscad, anchovies, fimbriated sardines, slipmouth, skipjack, big-eyed scad and frigate tuna. Wow! sounds sea-faring. These are price catch in the Philippine waters. Do we dare to leave these resources adrift? Why not foster these wherewithals? We can through quality statistics.

Statistics publishes information that helps officials to develop and administer agricultural and aqua cultural policies and programs. It then prepares estimates of production, price, and supply figures concerning agri - fishery commodities.

The upswings of production percentages can be monitored via statistical details. The escalation and the downfall of agricultural and fishery sectors are transparent in numbers. Simple numbers they are, ladies and gentlemen, but they are couriers of an efficient decision for better outputs.

Recorded drop and improved level of a certain production is a good benchmark for a study. Procurement of necessary levels of modernization can be effortlessly done with the aid of accurate and quality statistics.

I wish to enjoin everyone, to be grateful with the agency which gave us the quality statistics that we’ve been using ever since to come up with indispensable step-up in our basic industries.

Statistics, such remarkable reference in trailing production shifts, you’re putting us online on the websites of updates.

I salute statistics and to the people behind the numerical records. I wish you a punch! Not a hit but the energy to keep you going.

Now, your and our country could be a masterpiece.

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